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The popularity of Dickens in life was such that the people were piled up in the ports of the united States to wait for the ships with cargoes full of new penares of the little Nell. In his native England was going to be even more famous and more loved , in a rare transversalismo made to be loved by the humble people and for the queen Victory , by the scholars demanding and for all those who simply wanted to suffer, to laugh, to be entertained with a book. The historians of literature claim that the influence dickensiana had such an impact on your country that occupies a place between the causes of moral order that have saved England a revolution. As evidenced by the many old editions of Charles Dickens in Spain, however, soon it was going to be a writer overall.

The legend says that at the put an end to ‘ a Christmas carol, Dickens had to leave to give jumps of jubilation to the streets of London, so beloved. He was aware of having written a masterpiece. Before, the writer had already settled their fame with the big smile of The Papers, the Pickwick, the more English and also more cervantino of his books. In his Pickwick and his Christmas carol, Dickens was going to rehook of express mode with the ancient “merry England” , lost in the memory of the people left behind by the Industrial Revolution . With his characters funny, endearing, sentimental, and a point drinkers, the novelist was the quality most eminent of their literature: an understanding of life based on piety. As it says in the an anglophile Andre Maurois in his biography of the novelist, “it is guessed that the author wanted to men, and men are appreciated”.

sentimental Education

Dickens knew how to get to the English that they loved “those simple joys, the pleasure of the large bonfires, skate on the snow in winter, good eating, and loves naive.” It was the lesson already referred to de Cervantes , as read in England. Vitally, there was but the transposition of the own biographic experience of Dickens, born into a family beset of perpetual debt, knowing the “stigma of poverty”, according to John Bowen . This circumstance forced him from childhood to work in a dark factory of bitumen -is there a scenario more dickensiano?-, to with the time to attend in an office and end in that struggle for life which is the journalism parliamentarian. The own Dickens would said that “spent the knees” in his office of chronicler in Common , and others have said of him that he was the fastest stenographer who passed never by Westminster.

For the types and characters, by living experience, that sentimental education was the best possible training for a novelist, and also the best forge for the “hardness ” atomic” Henry James attributed to Dickens at the time of work. However, in the pages of Oliver Twist and David Copperfield is the man who has seen much, and everything he has seen with the eyes of a child” . The connection is so natural of Dickens with the weak and forgotten of this world. Perhaps this sensitivity could be measured in terms of country-brand: few have done more to popularize an appreciation of what English and your sentimentality as that friendly face that always presented Charles Dickens . When, pilgrim dickensiano, Galdos travels to England , looks at each british leggings of the good Pickwick. And Josep Pla states do not have the best map of London that their web pages.

after the fever, there are not a few testimonies highly literary that have wanted to move to Dickens of his glory. It has been blamed for sketchiness in their characters, improvisation in their plots, lack of aesthetics, and of ideas, feeling by feeling. There figure, for example, that need almost continuous to conclude their stories with a happy ending, which -it is alleged – it speaks very well of Dickens as a human being, but maybe not so much as an artist.

Wilde chuckled at her drama and the Woolf railed against his technique . Their books, of course, continued to be read by millions.

Writer pop

Others reported even double standards, and have even written a few pages with Dickens in the pose of a writer of pop today, perhaps things would have been a millionaire coordinating frames for Netflix. The format of the brochure for deliveries allowed to feel what sold and what did not sell. It has been said that Dickens had a great intuition of marketing to know what you liked to a target audience represented by the constituency of the shopkeepers. One thought more advisable to emphasize that never debased himself to the reader , in the same way that he admires and cops -man out of the creek – the obedience due to the work: Dickens wrote his Pickwick in a month, and since then live in perfect fulfillment of the delivery dates, always at the risk of writing on the go, without compromises, without dandismos, with as much genius as rigor. Had time not only of direct, establish and have their own headers , but that -when flojeaba a piece of custom-, you remangaba to help the mediocre escribidor to succeed while with the other hand calameaba his tale of two cities.

We had to wait for our days that Dickens left behind the purgatory and you will be able to read without bad cultural awareness. Hence the reproach would not have done it since forever, have not returned to piety, for piety to a champion of the human sensitivity . Has been restored, in times of iconoclasm, to the consideration of the glory of the nation. It was but the restoration of what is due to the writer who taught us the “magic lantern” of London , which has accompanied us in the best and the worst of times; the man, in the end, who was able to tell us “in the most wonderful possible, why we are as we are.”