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This Thursday at 17:30 hours, fans of the maritime history and naval archaeology have the opportunity to attend the online seminar, or “Webinar,” organized by the Spanish Maritime Cluster in the framework of their “Conferences Online CME.” Entitled “The story submerged and underwater archaeology in Spain. A legacy and a challenge”, will be given by the archaeologist Javier Noriega, president of the Cluster Maritime Navy of Andalucía, and our partner in ABC Jesús García Calero, editor-in-chief of Culture. To register for the seminar please click here.

The history of Spain is linked and open to the sea . The impact of the Penínusla Iberian in the development of civilizations has been evident in the history of the Mediterranean and especially in the discovery and the drawing of the world, already in the modern age. The boats built by our ancestors were the ones who opened the ocean navigation.

That adventure has left a global legacy because it made possible the first globalization . And the remains scattered all over the world are still waiting for cooperation scientific projects put out to float the complexity of our history mixed with the peoples of almost all the latitudes.

for millennia, different cultures, since antiquity, left a footprint in our seas in the form of wrecks that are distributed throughout our waters, becoming exciting capsules of time and history.

Now it behooves us to research, protection, putting in value and awareness of that history, in which, when we look at the sea, we have one of our top stories . Which binds us to the sea.



we have Received your application by the CME will be sent a link to access the seminar.
