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“Panda subsidized”. The tweet, accompanied by the news of ABC on the demonstration of the bullfighter in front of the Ministry of Labour for “discrimination” in the aid to the SEPE has lifted a dust-up on Twitter. Author: Ana Isabel Alonso Gómez, known televisivamente as Anabel Alonso , declared antitaurina.

The tweet conceals not a few lies. A joke. Without grace none given the drama that are living many families of the bull. The spokesman of the Foundation of the Toro de Lidia , Chapu Apaolaza , he has been remembered in a short and right. Tremendous zasca, with the numbers of the reality:

“Hello, Anabel. You step a piece of data that just serves you for your analysis:

-Aids to Spanish cinema, Spanish Institute of Cinematography (2018): 109.537.327 euros.

-Items related to bullfighting in the PGE: 65.000 euros “.

The other reality is that the banderilleros and picks have been denied the aid of the SEPE who, according to them promised at the Ministry of Culture, he corresponded. “There is a direct command that we are not the den, while the bullfighters are recognized as artists.

We want to end up with the bulls “, is heard in the manifestation of the toreros, which began yesterday, continued today and prolonged until morning.

In the link that Anabel Alonso echoed in his twitter, the bullfighters of gold and silver expressed in ABC your upset by the situation, a drama that has made “that many are going hungry and going to soup kitchens”. “Lady Yolanda (Diaz), we are hungry and we are being sidelined”, expressed to the Ministry of Labour.

Professional and amateur have responded to Alonso, with messages such as the employer’s and agent Manuel Martinez Erice : “What daring is ignorance. , Inform yourself before you speak go on!”. From the account of the torero Castaño : “Says the thief, who all believe to be your condition… what You’re not a subsidized? Noo, you’re the jester of twitter”. Or the July Ibáñez : “said the frying pan to the saucepan”. And another fan, Javier Prieto : “As if the puppeteers had no grant no… Going to talk about boogers the cloth more dirty.”