Garamendi looks normal for Europe to ask for responsibility but rejects counter reforms
Garamendi looks normal for Europe to ask for responsibility but rejects counter reforms

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The president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi, see “normal” for Europe to ask for “responsibility” to the european agreement concerning the international reconstruction fund and has asked to set aside ideologies to the time that has rejected the realization of “counter-reforms” such as the repeal of the labour reform, although it maintains its intention to negotiate its improvement, yes, speaking of the adaptability of businesses.

it has been pointed out in statements to the media in the framework of the inauguration of a conference of ATA in the Summer Courses of the Universidad Complutense in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid), which has advocated for working with “optimism” after the “very good news” the european agreement for the reconstruction fund.

Garamendi has announced that since the CEOE have prepared an office to support projects which might be susceptible to the european aid to the transformation “real” in the Spanish economy and has indicated that the “solution” to the problems of the global world and scanned passes through a Europe that is “strong and powerful”.

In this sense, has ensured that the entrepreneurs are going to participate “actively engage with institutional loyalty and positive” to join efforts and progress in digitization, innovation , training circular economy, environmental sustainability, green power, and increase the quotas of industrial GDP, as demand for Europe.

To do this, has indicated that the entrepreneurs made approaches “with independence” that they consider “good” for the country and has defended that won’t come out of the crisis with ideology, but on account of the “reality of things”.

On the possible conditionality of the european funds, has been said to see “normal” before that european solidarity is to ask “rather than conditionality, responsibility”.

“we are Not afraid to conditionality, it seems to us that there will be to sit in Europe and see what there is to talk about” although “the ideology in this is going to be worth little,” , ” said Garamendi, recalling that Europe is “very small” to assume the 6.9% of the world’s population and 17% of the global GDP.

in Addition, has indicated that social spending accounts for more than 50%, which has claimed the social State but to be “aware” of Europe to compete in a global economy with blocks such as the united States and China.

Rejects the repeal of the labor reform

Asked about the labour reform, has defended, against the claims “a long time ago” that he was going to repeal, that “normally progresses in the future are reforms, not the counter-reforms”, so from CEOE will sit down to negotiate, to “improve” the standard, while has remembered that from the IMF, the the OECD or the European Commission says that the reform of the PP Government was “positive” for the creation of employment and that it is necessary to deepen reforms.

“I’m Not going to raise the debate, a maximum, as is done, we’ll sit down at the table and talk, but the concept of adaptability of companies is something that will be at the top of the table,” he warned.

Message to self

In the opening of the conference have been present the president of ATA, Lorenzo Amor. Garamendi had words for this group. “The self-employed are almost 10% of the Spanish population active and what they are thanks to their own entrepreneurship and their drive,” he said. “When we speak of economy we see in the headlines the big companies but in reality the economy is the whole. And start from the bottom up. It is very difficult if you do not do so. That’s why the self-employed and are the economic force of Spain’s most important . Are not the last step, are the first. And there are more than three million votes, by the way, so that some should take note,” he added.