While new decrees must specify certain pension reform measures, two application projects are already in the works with more advantageous rules for taking into account the arduousness of certain trades and the professional wear and tear of exposed employees. Under different conditions, it will therefore be possible to open and modify your professional prevention account (C2P), a system which allows the employees concerned to accumulate rights per year of exposure. Here are the main changes.

For the time being, the C2P system allows employees with a so-called “difficult” job to finance professional training, to benefit from part-time work without loss of salary or even to retire early. Currently, however, it remains little used: of the 1.9 million open C2Ps, only 12,000 people have used their account. The pension reform therefore provides for the creation of a dedicated investment fund, which will be endowed with one billion euros over the five-year term.

With this investment fund, the professional sectors concerned will therefore be able to be supported through prevention or retraining actions, as well as in the identification of professions exposed to ergonomic risks. For employees, the opening procedures therefore aim to be radically modified with a lowering of the thresholds for the main exposure factors. The night work threshold will thus, for example, increase from 120 to 100 nights per year.

Among the major changes, the allocation rules will also be revised to allow employees exposed to several risks to acquire rights more quickly. Thus, from September 1, the number of points accumulated each year on the C2P will be equal to the number of risk factors to which each worker is exposed, multiplied by four.

The ceiling on the number of points that can be entered on the C2P for the employee’s entire career will also be removed from 1 September. This change will not affect employees using their professional prevention account in order to benefit from early retirement.

The points conversion scale will also be improved with a more advantageous calculation formula to determine the number of days during which the employee can continue to be paid at 100%. Thanks to the proposed decree, the right to three months of half-time work in increments of ten points will be raised to four months.

Finally, the pension reform creates a new reason for using the C2P with the possibility of accumulating rights to finance a professional retraining project. The balance could thus be covered via the funds paid to the regional interprofessional joint commissions by France Skills, the regulatory and financing body for vocational training and work-study.