In addition to the rise in energy and fuel prices, inflation (7.2% at the start of 2023) affects all economies, shopping centers in the lead. The rising cost of living is forcing some retirees to make decisions they would not normally have made. The cost of living is increasing all over the world, a financial crisis similar to that of 2008 is on its way and purchasing power is decreasing over the months. Retirement and the reform of its system has been at the heart of the news for several months and the situation is increasingly confused.

If the text of the law seems to be on the way to final adoption after the application of article 49.3 of the constitution, retirees and future retirees fear for their pension. For the most precarious among them, couples find themselves faced with a fait accompli and must reluctantly make choices. By playing with the laws and calculation rules, a retired Swiss couple managed to obtain an increase in their retirement pension. Still living under the same roof but having obtained divorced status, this retired couple saw their retirement pension increase and can now hope to meet their financial obligations. Seniors, one of the representative extremities of the population, are among the first to suffer the positive or negative effects of these measures. An increasingly widespread and increasingly influential precariousness on households in France and elsewhere.

A constraint for some but a choice for others. If the Swiss retired couple did not have the choice to divorce to see their retirement pension increased, this is not necessarily the case for everyone. Indeed, if you opt for divorce, your retirement pension can be recalculated taking into account the salaried career of your ex-spouse. You just need to meet four conditions:

If you meet all these conditions then you are entitled to an increase in your retirement pension. If you have been divorced several times, this entitles you to several retirement pensions as a divorced spouse. The calculation method is the same as for the so-called classic retirement pension and as for your pension, the divorced spouse’s pension is subject to the limitation to the career unit.