The Active Solidarity Income (RSA) provides people without resources with a minimum level of income which varies according to the composition of the household. It is open, subject to conditions, to people aged at least 25 in order to obtain a minimum level of income, while benefiting from a support program for professional integration. It is also possible, in different contexts, to combine it with a retirement pension. We explain how to do it.

The amounts received as Active Solidarity Income (RSA) are not included in the calculation of the amount of your retirement pension. At the same time, the periods during which you receive the RSA cannot be taken into account in the count of your quarters to retire. Indeed, it is not considered as professional income and is not subject to contributions: it is therefore not possible for it to open pension rights, except in the case where you receive low income in addition .

Even if the RSA is not used for your retirement pension, it can be combined with it. However, this situation remains infrequent, given the low income ceilings of the RSA. In order to benefit from a partial accumulation of the RSA and your retirement pension, the amount must not exceed a certain amount. For example, if you are single without children and you do not receive housing assistance, the amount of your retirement, combined with the amount of your RSA, cannot exceed 607.75 euros per month.