With the weather and summer coming in exactly a week, the season for barbecues and outdoor dining with friends and family is officially open. Some French people did not wait before getting a new grill. Whether large and installed in the garden, or portable and used on the balcony, there is something for everyone. And many have one: “more than 60% of French homes are equipped with one. In short, as soon as a French person has a piece of lawn or garden, there is a barbecue there”, according to Radio Classique.

The first step, just after discovering your barbecue, is obviously its start. Indeed, the ignition of your summer cooking instrument deserves a boost. But some products that assist you in this crucial step may turn out to be more dangerous than expected. Your health and that of your home are at risk. Some substances could create a fire and therefore from an ecological point of view harm the environment. Other simpler alternatives exist.

To avoid any danger as explained above, it is better to stick to the classic “grandmother” or “grandfather” solutions, as you see fit! More seriously, among them, the classic ignition is a much less restrictive method. All you need is newspaper or dry kindling. Place the first in the tank then cover it with small branches of dry wood. Then light the newspaper with a lighter or matches, which will set fire to the kindling. Finally, pour the coal on top. Simple, this method remains the best known of all, even if it still requires a minimum of patience.

To avoid any domestic accident, certain fire-lighting products should be banned from your storage units. Find out which ones in our slideshow below.