Mattis leaves Trump-government: A retreat in open Rebellion


It is a change of personnel of a special kind: America’s Minister of defense James Mattis is the end of February from his Post in Protest against the course of President Donald Trump. On Thursday evening (local time) announced Trump the departure via Twitter. Mattis reported shortly afterwards in a public-made resignation letter to Trump. In it, he called fundamental substantive differences with the President as the reason for its withdrawal.

Decisive for the decision also Trumps to be highly controversial decision, all the American soldiers out of Syria to be deducted. Politicians from Democrats and Republicans reacted shocked on Mattis’ announcement: in your assessment, the last voice of reason disappears with him in the Trump Administration.

Pithy sayings are not his thing

Mattis is since trump took office in January of 2017, at the top of the Pentagon. The Four-star General with a long military career behind him. He is quiet, careful, and disciplined. None, of the crowd in the foreground. Pithy sayings are not his thing. Mattis is one of the last in the Trumps government, with terms such as restraint or integrity. He enjoys a Reputation among Republicans as Democrats.

With public opposition against the President, Mattis held back so far– even if he was often of a different opinion. He preferred to work in the Background as a moderator, rather than public confrontation. Once he said that his advice to the President was confidential. His loyalty Trumps brought him. American media, according to Mattis also tried in the case of Syria, the President to change his mind. On Thursday, he will have to Trump to believe– but without success. As a result, he had declared his retreat.