Economical and ecological, white vinegar is the product to have in your cupboards. Made from beet sugar, this natural liquid is a true all-purpose cleanser. Tartar, stains, rust… It can overcome many inconveniences and can replace products that are more harmful to health and the environment, such as bleach.

Another advantage of this product: its price. According to comment-é, a liter of white vinegar costs on average 0.45 euros in a supermarket, which makes it much cheaper than most industrial disinfectants. It is therefore a real asset for your home!

As Femme Actuelle points out, white vinegar can be used on your oven, barbecue or dishes to dissolve fat and on taps to dissolve scale. It can even be applied to glass surfaces, to remove all fingerprints for sure.

You can also use it in your clogged drains, by mixing it with a little baking soda.

But beware, not all surfaces can withstand the acidity of white vinegar. Discover in our slideshow 16 things to never wash with this product.

Be careful, even if white vinegar is a natural and biodegradable product, some precautions must be taken when using it. Bricoleur Pro recommends wearing gloves and avoiding any splashes in the eyes. While it can be safely mixed with baking soda or starch, it should never be combined with bleach. This would cause a chemical reaction, causing the emanation of dichlor, a toxic gas.

“The mixture of white vinegar and chlorine gives off toxic gas fumes, chlorine and chloramine”, explains Céline Touati, maturopath and nutritherapist, with Medisite. It specifies that these gases, even emitted in small quantities, can be harmful to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory system. Inhaled in large doses, they can even be fatal.