They have, for the most part, something to rub their hands on. The French men and women who have already liquidated their pension rights know it: they should benefit from a significant increase in their pension in the weeks to come. All in all, promised the executive, it is a 4% increase in the amount of their pension from the general scheme which is expected for the payment of the month of July 2022, in August. Something to reassure all those who were particularly worried about inflation, which is now over 6%. Of course, this increase is not enough to erase any loss of purchasing power, but it is a start.

However, some unions claim that the effort is not enough and are calling for an increase of at least 4.5%, recalls Ouest-France on its site. It is necessary both to compensate for the non-revaluation of a majority of supplementary pensions and to catch up with the level of inflation. More information on this subject in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article. Without forgetting the third problem that must also be mentioned…

The fact is, indicates the economic daily Les Echos on its site, that the revaluation initially promised in July – effective in August, therefore – could wait longer than expected. It will normally have a retroactive effect which means concretely that the individuals concerned will not lose money, but the cash receipt may be later than announced.

It will indeed be necessary to discuss the bill in parliament, vote on it and then promulgate it… before checking the amounts to be paid. All this takes time, remind our colleagues.