On the Internet, scammers are omnipresent and watch for every opportunity to rob potential victims. By email, text message or via pop-ups, one of the tricks most used by fraudsters is phishing, or phishing in French.

It is “a fraudulent technique intended to deceive the Internet user to induce him to communicate personal data (access accounts, passwords, etc.) and/or banking data by posing as a trusted third party. ‘act of a false message, SMS or phone call from a bank, social network, telephone operator, energy supplier, e-commerce site, administrations, etc.’, explains the site government web cybermalware.

The targets of this type of process can be multiple. If the elderly are more exposed, young people are not necessarily protected and can also be trapped. With the dishonest technique of phishing, scammers seek to obtain personal or professional information such as usernames and passwords for certain accounts or bank details.

Thus, when browsing the web, it is important to remain constantly vigilant, especially when you come across a dubious link received by email for example. But how do you determine the trustworthiness of a web page? Planet reveals 5 tips to adopt to minimize the risk of falling on a scam. Discover them in our slideshow.