It is a fear that haunts the minds of many motorists: seeing a flash appear behind you while driving on the road. But when this happens, it is sometimes difficult to know if our vehicle was indeed the one in question and, if so, if a ticket will be sent by mail.

However, tickets can sometimes be expensive. Depending on the degree of seriousness of the excess, offenses are categorized into several classes.

Those of the third class are the least serious and correspond to speeding less than 20 km/h, when the limit is greater than 50 km/h. In this case, the amount of the fine is 68 euros and a point can be deducted from the license.

Fourth class offenses correspond to various offenses and will always be punished with a fine of 135 euros. Deductions of points or additional penalties may however vary:

Fifth class offenses are the most serious and lead to penalties appropriate to the fault committed:

However, when you get flashed, it is not always easy to know if your vehicle was indeed the one targeted by the radar.

To find out if we are affected by a flash, it is first advisable to take a look at your speedometer in order to make sure that the speed displayed is well below the authorized limit. For this, it is also necessary to take into account the established tolerance margins.

If a vehicle has actually committed an offense detected by radar, a ticket should be sent directly to its home. However, this operation can sometimes take time. “There is no fixed time limit for receiving a notice of violation. However, a violation is time-barred after one year. This means that you can no longer be prosecuted and you will not have to pay.”, specifies the website of the public service.

But sometimes the ticket may not reach its destination.

Indeed, if you are sure you have been caught speeding, it is better to watch your mailbox to wait for the ticket. If this never happens, it is possible that she did not follow up in the end.

However, it is best to check the address on the registration certificate, especially if you have recently moved. “If the address is not up to date, the time limit for receiving the notice of violation is extended. You also risk receiving a notice of an increased fine without receiving the initial notice of violation”, specifies the administrative site . In this case, it is better to contact the National Agency for the Automated Processing of Offenses (ANTAI) for help.