With moderation. Would the government want to dissuade consumers from drinking alcohol? In any case, this is one of the subjects which animates certain debates within the Ministry of Economy and Finance: that of an increase in taxes on alcohol, according to information collected by Le Parisien. This initiative could see the light of day very soon since it should be presented in the weeks to come, before a study as of next September during the examination of the budget in Parliament.

This is not the first time a harmful product has been pinned down. Recently, tobacco had been the subject of yet another increase, with the same objective of reducing consumption by the French. To do this, the State carried out a price increase, with a package above the sum of 11 euros, on May 1st. With this probable development, for alcohol, the tax will not be calculated on year N-2 but on the previous year, i.e. on 2022. This could therefore result in an increase of 0.3 cents for wine, and up to 2 cents for stronger alcohols.

Obviously, some players in the sector are beginning to see the tide turn. Professionals are especially worried about the evocation of this future price evolution, and are counting on an increase of one to two euros. With an increase of 10% “on an average price of 19 euros for a liter”, calculated on the rights and on the VAT, “this gives an increase of 1.17 euro”, underlines the French Federation of spirits with Figaro.

To defend itself, the government relies on a policy of prevention. “Our fight is not against a sector, but against excessive alcohol consumption. Our approach is based on prevention and moderation. It is above all a public health issue”, affirms the Minister of Health François Braun. Real subject of contention or simple temporary debate, it must be said that this possible tax on alcohol could take on importance from the start of the school year.