Since January 2023, future retirees have had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with “Completing my retirement”, a tool specially created by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV). Thanks to him, it has become an interesting adjuvant to liquidate his rights, to carry out essential procedures more quickly, but also to avoid errors. Here is, in detail, everything you can do with this tool.

For some retirees, the step of calculating pension rights turns out to be a Chinese puzzle to which it is sometimes difficult to provide quick and concrete answers. While many mistakes can be made, as recent reports from the Court of Auditors have proven, it is essential to find a solution to remedy this delicate situation. Very useful for future retirees, the “Completer my retirement” tool thus leads to a simplified calculation of rights, which allows retirees to receive their full pension.

Thanks to the tool “Completer my retirement”, retirees can also fill in information on their professional careers in order to communicate them to the CNAV. They thus have the possibility of reconsidering their file and providing the supporting documents gradually. At the same time, it is possible to check the progress of requests directly online, then correct errors if necessary. The processing of the file will therefore be accelerated.