This is a baby elephant, at a olifantenboerderij in Thailand, he thinks he is a lap dog it is. During the visit of a group of tourists to handle, it is needed to have a chance to get to kiss or hug her. All of this led to a great deal of pleasure in due to the tourists, “He rolls all the way over to me, like a cat – ”

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see also:

And then there’s an elephant in your car at the same time:

the Heart-warming baby elephant rescue “drowning man, but who turns out to simply swim
find out More about the Animals and heart-Warming image of brown bear and her caregiver, after years of being confronted with a barn owl, taken in Antwerp, garage “The way in which he had a life, was the infamous” Ten tigers are in poor condition, are stopped at the Polish border and 55 elephants are dying due to drought