It was Saturday, we still don’t know, or out of supermarktgroep Street, more companies in our country are being supplied by the Dutch vleeswarenproducent Offerman. It is said by the federal food and drug administration has PRODUCTION.

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In the Netherlands there are a listeriabesmetting three people have died, and it was for one woman to have a miscarriage. According to the Dutch media, that the infections came from Offerman, a subsidiary of the Belgian vleeswarengroep Ter Beke. Offerman called for Thursday, has been cut and wrapped meat, which is in a facility in the Dutch city of Aalsmeer were produced, due to the possible presence of listeria.

In Belgium, cried, then Adding a product and, in particular, roast beef, the brand Délifin. That turned out to be supplied to the plant from Offerman, in Aalsmeer, the netherlands. The product was a “precautionary” recall, according to australian capital territory.

The PRODUCTION pushed on Friday for more details from the government authorities. That is, in the meantime, has come in the form of a RASFF notification system for reporting food safety issues within the EU. “It was confirmed that, as Offerman in transit has been delivered to the australian capital territory, and Belgium,” said belgian food safety agency spokesman Koen De Roover.

and other Belgian companies to have been delivered by Offerman has yet to be proven. “At that point, the Dutch Food and consumer product safety Authority working on”, says the belgian food safety agency.

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