Fraudulent health insurance mail, CAF scam… The French seem to be the target of various techniques to steal money from them. According to the website Que Choisir, in the 2021 annual report of the Cnaf (national family allowance fund), 43,203 frauds were identified.

Some of them are due to mafia networks based in France or abroad. Among these frauds, it is in particular that of false bank details that has been the most detected, with €650,000 in financial damage avoided out of the 1,000 cases identified. In addition, 450 identity theft attempts and 600 false professional declarations were counted.

In order to fight against scams, the government has set up the SNFLE (National Service for the Fight against Stake Fraud). This organization specifically targets organized fraud. For their part, the administrative sites have strengthened their security system. From now on, it will be necessary to validate certain choices by sending an SMS.

By dint of distrust, opportunities are lost… Don’t be mistaken. A tax email has been sent to the French. It would be tempting to believe in a scam as there are so many of them… Except that this time it is not the case. Entitled “Have you thought about the Livret d’Epargne Populaire (LEP)?”, this message from the General Directorate of Public Finances is authentic. Its purpose is to inform households in France about a savings possibility, and is therefore very serious.