New wave of lifting of restrictions. On Wednesday May 11, 2022, according to Midi-Libre, Olivier Véran announced: “The epidemic situation is improving. The pandemic is not over but the number of new daily diagnoses is decreasing and we consider that it is no longer suitable to maintain this obligation to wear a mask in public transport, from Monday, May 16.

Thus, from Monday May 16, the French will no longer be obliged to wear their mask in transport. For the moment, this remains compulsory only in health establishments and in nursing homes.

This new measure follows that of March 14, when it again became possible to no longer wear the mask in all closed public places, including at work.

Some doctors and specialists felt that the government’s decision was somewhat hasty. Many of them advise users to continue wearing their masks for some time.

This is the case of Mahmoud Zureik, professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, who spoke on his Twitter account, as reported by the Huffington Post: ” The lifting of the obligation to wear a mask in transport does not mean the obligation to lift the mask. I will continue to wear it and I invite everyone to do so. We protect each other. Let’s also think about immunocompromised people and let’s be in solidarity with them!”. Other specialists such as renowned epidemiologist Dominique Costagliola have also conveyed the same message.

The new measure concerns all transport, but there are still some exceptions that you should be aware of. Discover the list in our slideshow.