A Man saves up for a year-long finger-nails, and there he from


finally, A video of a Japanese person attracts on the internet a mixed reaction from it. A lot of viewers will find the film fascinating, and nauseous at the same time. The guy was a year-long finger-nails in order to get an engagement ring out of it.

365 days, collected by a Japanese man cut off your finger nails into a big pot post of South China Morning Post. When he made it to his own findings, and there was, vermaalde them into a powder, and mixed them up, he nagelstof of water in a pan. In the video you can see how he is in the mixture, and then samenperste and-a-half hours in the oven to let it cure. The result is a dull, black stone, of which he is a home-made – engagement and wedding ring set.

“This is hell”, is the response of someone in abject horror. “I think that’s his girlfriend, and the wedding is now going to cancel,” says someone else. Whether the man in question, the ring is really a marriage, it is hard to say.

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