Are you more ketchup or mayo? This tough choice could raise your blood sugar levels. The red condiment is much sweeter than its counterpart. “On average, 22% sugar is added in the recipe”, reveals the director of organic sauces Nod and Quintessens, Sébastien Loctin, to the Parisian.

So, “it is better to taste a good mayonnaise”. These are the words of dietician and nutritionist Isabelle Levasseur in the columns of the same media. And for this, the specialist explains that it is nevertheless necessary to be wary of products that can be sold in supermarkets and even in the organic section.

This is because these items may contain sugar and other unwanted ingredients. “a mayonnaise is 5 ingredients and that’s it”, she comments.

In addition, you have to make a selection according to the oil”. This is particularly the case with sunflower oil, which provides nothing more than what is in our basic diet, according to the nutritionist Rapeseed oil, which is rich in omega3 and contributes to the “good functioning of the brain”, should be preferred instead.

However, it must be admitted that it has a disadvantage… Mayonnaise expires very quickly. And once done, it becomes inedible. You may be in the habit of throwing it away in this case. However, it still has a few surprises in store. Planet has produced the slideshow below which lists 14 tips to give it a second life, before getting rid of it permanently, according to