Reform, not reform? The Head of State, while still working on his re-election before the presidential election, built all or part of his campaign on the necessary transformation of our system of inter-generational solidarity. He then spoke out in favor of a gradual postponement of the legal retirement age, currently set at 62 years. Above all, he was then campaigning for a rapid execution. Yet, as Planet has already pointed out, the question of reform has gradually receded, until it no longer seems so paramount. Does this mean that she was finally forgotten by the executive? Not exactly.

As Center Presse Aveyron explains on its website, the Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration recently had the opportunity to review the government’s position on this subject. On Wednesday August 24, on the set of France Info, he declared, in front of the microphones of France Info, the need for a reform. “Everyone agrees that the pension system as we know it today would benefit from being improved,” said Olivier Dussopt, judging the current system “not very readable and economically unbalanced”.

To achieve a better version of the French pension system, believes the executive, it will mechanically be necessary to take better account of the arduousness, but also of the so-called “chopped” careers. Retirees must be protected from precariousness by raising the minimum pension level… and it will also be necessary to work more, as Elisabeth Borne reminded us. Consultations should also begin, during the month of September, on this subject.

Those who would like to retire before such a transformation have every interest in getting rid of some preconceived ideas about the cessation of activity. The list.