Node point on Crimea: bloodbath in Kerch hits the Russia on the most sensitive spot


"the children are dead. Employees are dead." At 19 dead and more than 40 injured, the sad count of the Polytechnic College of Kerch on Wednesday evening. First of all, the authorities of a terrorist attack went out and even brought armored vehicles into position.

The 18-Year-old is said to have ignited in the canteen with metal parts, filled bomb and his classmates have shot. Then he had shot himself, according to the State investigative Committee. His body had been found in the library of the school, it said. A second bomb exploded, security forces make them harmless.

A terrorist attack, a rampage? The attack reminds Russia of some of its worst nightmares. And it happened of all places, the Peninsula of Crimea, which has been taken out of Russia only four years ago in the Ukraine.

"act of terrorism in Beslan,"

The, from the Russian point of view, repatriation of the territory on the Black sea in 2014, driving the popularity of the President Vladimir Putin with his compatriots to new heights. But, with few exceptions, the Rest of the world sees the connection as a violation of international law. A specially organized Referendum in Crimea will not be recognized. And in Moscow’s dominion over the Peninsula of nervousness resonates always.

shots in a school, has lived through Russia. "An act of terrorism in Beslan," said school Director of the house of Grebennikova. On 1. September 2004, stormed the Chechen terrorists in the school in the town of Beslan in the North Caucasus, and took more than 1,100 hostages. After three days, the Drama ended in a botched rescue operation. In the hours-long shootout 331 hostages, including more than 180 children died.

However, in Kerch, it seems more likely to go to the other nightmare of all the teachers, students and parents – the rampage of a student. An 18-year-old professional student to have a shot at his fellow soldiers and an explosive device detonated.

Kerch is not just any city

Also killing sprees in schools, it has in Russia, but never with such severe consequences as in Kerch. In January 2018, three incidents occurred within a week with a total of around two dozen injured young people: In the Siberian town of Ulan-Ude, in the Chelyabinsk region and in the city of Perm were attacked by classmates with knives or an axe. However, the massive use of firearms in Kerch is more reminiscent of the massacre in a school in Columbine in the US in 1999. At that time, two students shot 13 people and 24 injured. dpa-graphic

Kerch, 144.000 inhabitants, situated in the Crimea is not just any city. By Kerch of all transport modes and the entire supply the Peninsula from Russia to run. Here the ferries from the mainland arrive. Here are the newly – built bridge may be used since may of the ending- a billion expensive object of prestige for the Kremlin. Because natural compound has the Crimea to the Ukrainian mainland.

Russia seeks blame in Ukraine

By the Strait of Kerch, Russian and Ukrainian ships to the Azov sea. In the shallow inland sea, which lies close to the war zone in Eastern Ukraine, have increased the tensions in the past few months. Both sides have sent more naval vessels. So it is no wonder that the Russian leadership is alerted directly after the attack civil protection, intelligence services, the military, and the Anti-terrorist Committee and the protection of the bridge increased. FOCUS Online/Wochit stop On The Krim2

For disasters and attacks on the Crimea has made Russia in the past few years, the Ukraine is responsible. Also this time the Russian Deputy Franz Klinzewitsch by the Federation Council said that we should look for a "Ukrainian track". "The official structures, or depraved nationalists, from hatred of Russia capable of anything", he said.

That seems unlikely because the alleged perpetrator should have posted in social networks, proud of pictures of Putin. However, the Ukraine increased, as a precaution, the safety of the Crossings to the Crimea.