VW comment: The future is in China


    In clear words, there is a lack Herbert Diess rare. In the face of driving bans in German cities and increasingly stringent environmental regulations, the Chairman of the Board of Volkswagen complained a few weeks ago about a “war against the car” and the individual mobility. On Monday, he said in Shanghai, where Europe’s largest car manufacturer, the focus is set in China. The future of Volkswagen, decide Diess, will now also take on the strategic direction of the business in China said. Only a few kilometers away is the eccentric founder and CEO of electric car manufacturer Tesla, Elon Musk, laid the foundations for its Gigafactory, which will allow the pioneer from California finally made the leap into mass production. A Coincidence? At most from the time.

    after all, who was recently in the streets of Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong or any other metropolis on the move, understands the motives of the car Manager immediately. Long ago, electric cars belong there, to the road image, and the Beijing government is pushing ahead with the development of mercilessly. In the coming year, five million electricity-driven vehicles will be on the road, and anyone who has any serious doubts about the Success of this Plan? Beijing has invested extremely heavily in the goal, on future fields such as electro-mobility, Autonomous Driving and to apply Artificial intelligence technology leadership.

    keep up The transformation pace of state Dirigisme

    With the transformation pace of this form of statism in the West can be difficult. Even Germany is struggling. In Germany the proportion of the traditional manufacturing industry is still more than 20 percent. What was referred to at the time of the new market around the turn of the Millennium, contemptuously called “Old Economy”, is today regarded as a guarantee of almost ten years of continuous recovery. However, this success also has a downside, because it makes tired and sluggish. Just as SME’s are lacking due to full order books and scarce personnel of both the capacity and the insight to deal with the threat of the technical revolutions of the future. A recent survey by the industry Association, Bitkom, has dealt only every fourth company employing at least 50 employees with a serious Artificial intelligence. Just as many reject the issue, and in every sixth case, it has not engaged yet at all.