Parkland final report: Armed teachers prevent school massacres


    Almost a year after the massacre at a school in Parkland (Florida) has published a Commission of inquiry in its final report: it suggests, among other things, the arming of teachers as well as “protection zones” for students to hide from the eyes of a gunman. The proposal to arm teachers and to train, had made President Donald Trump, shortly after the massacre.

    On 14. February 2018, had shot and killed the 19-year-old Nicolas Cruz, a total of 17 people at his former high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, with a semi-automatic rifle. In their 400-page report, the Commission describes minutely, as Cruz is one of the worst school massacre in American history was able to do.

    she comes to the conclusion that it was not the fault of an Individual or to a larger failure was that the carnage was not prevented, but many of the shortcomings in the security system of the school. Among other things, the staff was prepared, therefore, only poorly to such situations. Already existing, from outside not visible protection zones are fully provided and, therefore, for students been inaccessible.

    The report also criticised the security forces for their poorly coordinated. The members of the Commission come from the police, judiciary and education.