The memories of the Scene at the terror on the Camino de Santiago


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12345Cuando writing fiction is the best refuge personalSilvia Herreros de Tejada

One of the greatest challenges of the literature is to write fiction based on their own life, leaving her side, but without losing it of sight. That makes Silvia Herreros Tejada in his outstanding second novel, The other island, which mixes past and present, travelling from Cuba to Miami and Spain, to pay homage to these women thanks to that we are here today. is By Inés Martín Rodrigo.

what All men are equal?

With all the precautions, we can already start to enjoy the scene beyond the Network. The Teatro Lara, madrid, raises the curtain on not virtual, and does so with Cadiz, a piece of Fran Nortes -who also plays one of the characters-, under the baton of Gabriel Olivares , director of successful productions such as ‘Burundanga’. We are faced with a fresh and hilarious comedy about three friends who are very different -or do all three have the complex of Peter Pan?-, and with a vision quite different from the life. Love won and lost, adventures, real or dreamed, and vindication of the value of friendship. is By Carmen R. Santos.

Creators that did not leave a trace

Attention! Coming an avalanche of projects with the performance as a spear tip. The reappearance of La Ribot (after being recognized with the Golden Lion of the venice biennale of Dance) at the Teatros del Canal in Madrid (and, after in the summer, in the CGAC), some of the trials with the discipline in the shows that the Reina Sofia Museum dedicates to Concha Jerez . Most immediately, the appointment Action! A story of a provisional 90, yesterday presented at the MACBA in Barcelona, and which aims to draw the portrait generation of that decade through the discipline. Artists of the here and now. Are advised. is By Javier Diaz-Guardiola.

The Movida madrileña, under the gaze of Jesus Ordovás

If anyone can speak with knowledge of cause, either material, formal, agent, or end, about the Movida madrileña, and that is Jesus Ordovás, cultural agitator from the magazines, the radio and the television, that he got to know groups such as Burning, Los Nikis, Total Loss, Loquillo, Demolition Arias, Gabinete Caligari or Alaska y Los Pegamoides (in the image). Their 73-year-old (he was born in Ferrol, in 1947), and with the experience that gives the time, now publishes The movida madrileña and other moves (Guadarramistas editions), a “bestiary” – musical by the who spend the most varied characters of the early eighties and where not everything is music, but also paint Ceesepe, or The Gardener, the photography of Miguel Trillo or the cinema of Pedro Almodóvar . Written as 108 “frames”, is an uplifting ride through those years, where there is place also for groups of impact as a Male G or Mecano . is By Álvaro Alonso.

Nightmare (mobile) on the Way of st. James

As a modern version of The project of the Blair witch, Walkers investigates the disappearance of five young people in the Way of st. James from the videos found on their mobile. The director Koldo Serra and screenwriter José Antonio Pérez Ledo have managed to mix in this addictive series of terror Orange TV, recorded entirely with smartphones, all the ingredients of the genre: suspense, scares, gore, mutants… The trailer, which portrays the nightmare of the guys to the rhythm of the Songs of Joan Manuel Serrat , it is equally enjoyable. is Helena Cortés.