Carnicerito of Úbeda suffer a goring of 25 centimeters in the field


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Juan Antonio Millán “Carnicerito of Úbeda” suffered yesterday a serious goring with a bull Sancho Dávila in the farm “Port Lacquer”, in Santisteban del Puerto (Jaén). According to infoma “Applause” , the goring, on the anterior side of the right thigh, has several paths, one of them of 25 cm , although it seems to have broken glasses important.

After practicársele a tourniquet, emergency and contain the bleeding, he was transferred by ambulance to the hospital San Juan de la Cruz de Úbeda , where he was waiting, to operate the surgeon bullfighting Rafael Fuentes.

His valet of swords, Syrian Carmona , he explained to the cited portal taurino “the python was opened step without causing great destruction; it is a miracle. If you arrive to tear the artery, taking into account that we were on a farm, in the countryside, surely now we would be talking about another thing much more serious.” And he added: “we Call immediately the doctor Rafael Fuentes , who was guiding us on the phone about how we ought to act until they could accommodate us personally. The teacher is already well out of danger, with soothing”.