The poison of the performance Marina Abramovic
The poison of the performance Marina Abramovic

Fernando Castro FlórezSEGUIR Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The so-called “grandmother of performance art” some day it was a girl and, by the way, had a traumatic childhood , marked by a mother’s unbending and a father tarambana, partisans lost in the “glorious” years of the Yugoslavia of Tito.

Marina Abramovic has been known to tell or dictate your life, that you composed a “novel of formation” that should be described as tremendously attractive. Even though its current pattern has the light and shadow own of a celebrity, caught between their “deaths” rigidly theatrical and pathetic processes “methodological” with Lady Gaga , reading the 350 pages of tearing down walls allow you to recover to that artist that showed his courage to bare.

If you start by dedicating the book “to the friends and the enemies” , immediately we gaze at a photo she held in Belgrade in 1951, dressed as an adorable little girl along with the memory of the first morning in which he felt fear when his grandmother yelled at his gesture child wanting to touch a snake in the street: “It’s amazing how your parents and those around you will embed the fear . At the beginning you’re so innocent; you don’t know”. It seems that Danica dreamed she gave birth to a huge snake the day before he came to the world to his daughter Marina, that would have relations as “poisoned” during almost all his life.

life as a be at risk, the fear of death. That has moved always to this creative

The vital plot of Marina Abramovic is a double bind of loves passionate won and lost tragic , the knot, or aporia of a passionate woman, in the background, puts his work to the whole; a chronicle of journeys and initiations mystical that also includes hits and rare in real estate investments and, of course, the artistic career towards the international fame . There was nothing easy to get to from the peripheries of the art system at the MoMA. You have not been gifted anything; he literally had to bleed and endure tests of type “shamanic” to achieve a success that goes beyond the limits of the museum.

Clouds like dreams

If in the years of training he painted clouds in huge boxes, what I wanted was to realize his dreams, that is, turning one’s life into art. Your first idea of performance had, according to account, in 1969 when he proposed to the Youth Center of Belgrade to wash the clothes of the audience that he would, obviously, strip ; after the process of washing-ironing-drying, visitors could leave “literally and metaphorically, clean” . Although that idea was immediately rejected, we can say that he never ceased to be the reference point of the artistic journey of the Navy, as exemplified by the stunning intervention Baroque balkan for which he received, with some justification, the Golden Lion of the Venice Biennale in 1997.

The second “idea” that it took to make a performance generated identical rejection in 1970: he wanted to play Russian roulette dressed up with the clothes that I put her mother when she was small and she hated it. There is also another key of everything he has done since then Marina Abramovic: life as a put permanently at risk , the exorcism at the naked fear of death, the manifestation stark of our vulnerability.

Levitating in the kitchen

you Can levitate in the kitchens of La Laboral de Gijón (2009), or find the meditation perfect in Tibet, but in the background, which add excitement to this artist there are old wounds. At the end of the three-month performance The artist is present (2010), Navy indicates that you do not know what art is and, at the time, she understands that the performance takes you beyond the norm to enhance life: “The amount of love, the unconditional love from complete strangers, it was the feeling the most improbable I have ever had”. is The love and absence, the pain and the catharsis ; the danger and purity, the poison and the antidote; what aporético, in order, incorporated.