Terrible down despite the obligation to do quite a lot of children are not to wear a seatbelt from the parents
Terrible down despite the obligation to do quite a lot of children are not to wear a seatbelt from the parents

one in five of the families, carrying the children do not always have a seat belt on in the car, according to a new survey. However, it is required by law.

More than eight out of ten Belgians (93%) saying that they always have a belt to wear with it. Funnily enough, will give one in five of the parents of that son or his daughter sometimes is not locked. According to a survey by insurer AG Insurance, and mobiliteitsorganisatie Tour, more than 1,500 people. “An amazing setting,” says Danny Smagghe of Touring. “Clearly, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of raising awareness, and control.”

in Previous studies, to confirm the problem. For example, verkeersinstituut Vias each of the three years of measurement, the correct use of child safety seats. Last year, it turned out that only one out of four children in a custom seat to sit, and is properly snapped into place as is.

The survey Takes and AG Insurance and also show that half of the Belgians on the bike to wear a helmet. Six out of ten say their children are doing. About half are wearing fluorescent jackets or wrist or anklets.
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