Howard Schultz: Former Starbucks chief is considering a presidential bid


The longtime former Starbucks chief Howard Schultz strives to be an independent candidate for the American presidency. He had already begun preparations to be able to in all 50 States take part in the vote, said the 65-year-old former head of the cafe-chain in the “New York Times” on Sunday.

He was planning to present the country in the next three months to pass through before he can decide whether he’ll take part in the race. “We have a broken political System, in which both parties (Democrats and Republicans) are basically in the business, in order to preserve their own ideology, without a recognition of and responsibility to represent the interests of the American people,” said Schultz, who described himself as a life-long Democrat.

The 65-Year-old had resigned in the past year at Starbucks as Chairman. Since 1982, he worked for the CafĂ© chain. After his resignation, he had said he’d think now, what he could make for the future of the United States the most useful.