Handball WM Karabatic will remain spectators
Handball WM Karabatic will remain spectators

The French Superstar Nikola Karabatic (34) will not accrue in the first round match of the Handball world Cup against host Germany on Tuesday (20.30 h//F. A. Z.-liveticker for the Handball world championship and ZDF). The three-time world handball player, was joined on Sunday surprisingly to the Training of the title holder, has not been added to a team by the French. The deadline for a possible swap of the 16 reported actors for the game of the evening was the French Team to pass.

Karabatic had been in surgery three months ago on my left foot and had his world Cup participation cancelled, actually. Last Saturday, the 34-bumped Year old then, surprisingly, to the Team. “He seems to be fit and ready. The only question is when we use Niko,“ said the French Trainer Guillaume Gille. The use of Karabatic in the further course in the tournament is possible at any time.