Chefs Ribéry: gold steak is decadent bullshit the kitchen


After the turmoil of the gilded Steak, of the footballer Franck Ribéry has published the Video, comment chefs to the extravagant court. Cook Sarah Wiener (56) believes it is useless to show off, to decorate a Steak with gold leaf. “It’s not a luxury kitchen. It is a decadent bullshit the kitchen,“ said Wiener of the German press Agency.

The world of Haute Cuisine has more to offer. Since it is a matter of originality, creativity and flavor compositions. Gold leaf was neither particularly creative nor taste. “Even the culinary, there’s the stars 5 from me,” said Wiener, who runs a Restaurant in Berlin’s Museum Hamburger Bahnhof.

Ribéry had posted a Video from Dubai, in the him a gold-plated Steak is served. According to the sporting Director of FC Bayern, Ribéry should be invited. The footballer got a lot of criticism for the Video. Because it was then grumbled back from his Twitter Account, is obscene, to put him to the club a fine.

the TV cook Wiener said that one could do with money in principle, what one wanted. The way to celebrate and tell the world, you will find but not only decadent, but “downright pathetic”. “If you look at how many billions of people can’t even afford a thimble of this Steak.”

The covering of food with Gold has a long Tradition in Europe. “Gold leaf has always been there in the culinary history,” says TV chef Sebastian Put (“Bought, cooked, and won”), the German press Agency.

“the Royal houses, therefore, your food visually enhance, to flay with her retinue or the count or king colleagues impression. To say: “don’t Look – I only wear Gold on the body, but I’ll eat it,”” says. The Problem is less the supposed delicacy is so obvious – rather the attitude behind it. Who something of in the 21. Century orders, want to stand out from the crowd, as the chef explains. According to the Motto: “take a Look and see what I can afford because Great!”

in the opinion of the celebrity chef Alfons Schuhbeck (69) eat Ribéry anyway, is quite normal. “As a chef of Bayern Munich, I can say to Franck ribéry’s eating behavior, only that he has no strange preferences,” said Schuhbeck the German press Agency in Munich. Also, from the perspective Shoe Becks gold leaf in the kitchen, “nothing to do with the culinary value, or good taste,” “but only with dazzling tastes of the “Bling-Bling”society”. “That’s why there’s a gold plated Tomahawk Steaks in the star restaurants of Munich, Paris or Barcelona, but to extravagant places of the glittering world,” he said. “In our latitudes, Gold-approved food color is used with the E-175 to my Knowledge, only for Plating or Decorating sweets and fancy tents sausages.”