Re-entry and deportation: the debate on the Dublin regulation


The return of the rejected asylum-seeker Alassa m. to Germany, has reignited the political debate on a Reform of the Dublin regulation and the national police laws. The baden-württemberg Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU), to make it more difficult for refugees to come, in spite of a re-entry ban to Germany, applying for a new asylum procedure in the future.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

The 21-year-old Alassa m. 2014 had left his home country of Cameroon, by the end of 2017, he traveled to Germany, in Bavaria, a request for asylum, which was rejected. Since January of 2018, he then waited in the country of initial reception centre in Ellwangen, baden-württemberg on his deportation. In April, a rejected asylum seeker from Togo, should be deported, participated in Alassa m. a violent uprising against the police, the refugees were able to the deportation, for the time being to prevent it. The deportation of the Togolese succeeded three days later and had to be backed by a larger police presence.

Alassa M., who at the time was perceived as the leader of the uprising, could have been deported in June, as provided for in the Dublin regulation to Italy. There, he was first entered. The authorities imposed against him a re-entry ban. According to a report in the “Bild”-Zeitung” asked for a refugee initiative, even to bring him back to Germany. Despite the re-entry lock managed Alassa m. at the end of last year, once again to enter Germany, he submitted an asylum application, and waits for the continuation of the proceedings is now in a refugee accommodation.