Severe weather in Sydney tennis ball sized hailstones to heavy damage
Severe weather in Sydney tennis ball sized hailstones to heavy damage

Heavy hail storms with partly tennis ball-sized Hailstones have caused in the major Australian city of Sydney millions of damage. In the case of the insurance of 25,000 claims in the total amount of 125 million Australian dollars (about 78 million euros) went up Friday afternoon, as the insurance Association of the country to another.

Sydney and the surrounding regions of the Central Coast were Affected. The Numbers are expected to increase in the coming days when more Concerned to report damage to houses, shops or cars in the case of the insurance companies.

About Sydney was gone on Thursday with a deafening noise, violent hail. Hail through windshields of cars, the driver struck sought shelter in the tank. From the rapidly gathering storm surprised surfers at the famous Bondi beach, tried to protect themselves with their surf boards. On the Internet Videos and photos made with Hailstones the size of tennis, the round balls.