resim 386
resim 386

Will you be entitled to the survivor’s pension? This significant boost, which mainly benefits women, makes it possible to minimize income inequalities between women and men as much as possible once the cessation of activity has occurred. These persist, despite the status of “great cause” of the previous five-year term that Emmanuel Macron had conferred on the fight for women’s rights. It is clear, however, that not all widows and widowers have the right to it. Access to a survivor’s pension is subject to a number of criteria, including income ceilings or, in some cases, the absence of remarriage.

That being said, it is also important to remember that the survivor’s pension is itself capped, as explained by Pleine-Vie magazine on its website. Small summary of the values ​​to know.

The survivor’s pension, inform our colleagues, cannot give rise to remuneration exceeding 925.56 euros per month in the general scheme. Very concretely, this represents 11,106.72 euros per year.

In the private scheme, with Agirc-Arrco therefore, the amount of the survivor’s pension corresponds to 60% of the amount that the deceased should have received. It is therefore larger than the public service survivor’s pension. In this specific case, it cannot exceed 50% of the pension that the late partner received or could have received.