Specific checks for smoking in cars with children will be stopped


There are no focused controls, more to smoke in cars with children under the age of 16. That is, the federal public service public Health, VTM News said.

in Mid-August, the public service of the control of the amusement parks, and at the beginning of the school year went on, the checks continue on to the school. This time, the directional controls, the personnel does not outweigh the number of people that will be caught. In the past month and a half, hundreds of cars on over 100 sites monitored, however, there were only seven violations are detected.

Since the controllers are not in traffic, and be able to check out, they asked themselves over the last few weeks to places where lots of kids pass by. In its announcement, the federal public service for public Health, however, made it clear that, for the first few weeks, the focus is on awareness, not punishment, should be.

for More about federal public service public Health, a ban on Smoking in the smoking room? Come on, the fight against Cancer to the court, for smoking in bars and restaurants to ban Spectators in a play to get eye-catching statement to time: “Who’s afraid” of the cigarette, and gets his money back, people will more quickly have access to the hearing implant solution federal public service for public Health wants the checks to the schools of a ban on smoking in the car. “Just before-and-after-school”