The statements of Theo Francken seem to be a PS bearing Magnette will not be touched
The statements of Theo Francken seem to be a PS bearing Magnette will not be touched

PS-part of Paul Magnette, does not seem to be under the impression that the statements made by N-VA-top of Theo Francken on the basis of a potential conversation with the PS, and for the creation of a new federal government. Francken had the understanding that, in exchange for tougher migration rules, talked about the social guarantees, such as a higher retirement pension.

“of N-VA, has been working with the Australian model < / I> (for a common policy on migration, ed.) . Now, she’s the Danish model. However, we have been in the Danish socialists are not, we are a socialist from the walloon region and in Brussels, belgium. I’m not going to a foreign model in Belgium. The migration in each country is a complex issue. It’s the best thing we can do is not to talk about the issues in a very pragmatic way,” said HP head, Paul Magnette, on Tuesday on the sidelines of a press conference.

SEE ALSO. The corner of Theo Francken: “We can choose to be either for the government or for the full-stop” (+)

finally, Magnette, who is a candidate for president of the PS, and the in negotiations at the federal level will be proposed on Tuesday in the press and in a book about baking bread, one of his passions. Magnette, doing a ten-year-old loaf of bread and it’s motivating them to do the same.

More about Paul Magnette, Magnette, bake them, brown is Finally out of the shadow of his teacher, the PS, the P is for Paul Magnette, the … and Problems for the N-VA, Paul Magnette, the mission is to be the successor of Elio Di Rupo at the head of PS