Customer service is key in every retail job
Customer service is key in every retail job

Bilzen – The main advantage of working in the retail industry, it is that, even with such a short training, you can excel in the field. The most important quality, especially with customer service, it is just something that you have to take it or not. Therefore, the VDAB Limburg and are often job-seekers in a short time, klaarstoomt for a job in the retail industry. As Wafaa Al-hayyawi, an Iraqi who works today at the Carrefour supermarket in Bilzen.

of course, There are a variety of functions in the retail industry. As a seller of televisions has the same profile as someone who works in the stores to complement fresh fish was brought up. However, there is one common factor in all of that is very, very important in any retail job: customer care. There are techniques in which training is to be taught in order for the customers to get a better feel for them, but still, it’s a feature that is largely in the nature of the employee’s part. Anyone who has been blessed with a good deal of quality, in accordance with the VDAB Limburg, not a lot of extra support that is needed in order to grow up to be a respected retail professionals.

As Wafaa Al-hayyawi, a 32-year-old female, who 3 years ago, as a refugee in our country’s good. When a design is ready for the job market, went to the VDAB Limburg, with the aim to find a way to have a good job to be done. “When I was in Belgium, came to I’m right the Dutch are going to study,” she says. “And as long as two years. After that, I got through the VDAB vocational training of six months if the retail store representative-sales representative. I have not only the terminology, and the practical skills for the job to be learned, but also, more in general, I have explained how I got a job in drafting, and have to apply for it.”

Ann Michielsens VDAB Limburg, this was followed by the program. “Wafaa took the training in English for for sale. On the basis of role-playing games, the vocabulary, and practiced a specific need in a retail store. In addition, we also provide computer classes, and sollicitatietrainingen. As was Wafaa’s already a work experience placement at “Carrefour” in Bilzen. Subsequently, she was awarded a FIXED-contract, and in the meantime, she is a solid force.”