resim 1363
resim 1363

Goalkeepers are everywhere in the news this week, a happy coincidence with the presence of Stéphane Waite among our guests. The fate of Cayden Primeau is indeed at the heart of the discussions, he who could go on waivers at the end of camp if he is unable to dislodge Jake Allen or Samuel Montembeault. Stéphane Waite’s vibrant plea contrasts with the lukewarmness of the rest of the panel. It remains to be seen whether the absence of Andrei Vasilevskiy in Tampa will trigger a domino effect among goalkeepers.

The role of Kirby Dach, the progression of Logan Mailloux and the need – or not – for robustness at the CH also fuel the debates. Finally, the presence of Jessica Campbell and Kori Cheverie behind the bench for preparatory matches caused Jérémie Rainville to react, who wondered if the NHL had a real desire to promote diversity, or if it was just opportunism. .