Youth for Climate change calls for the klimaatmars on Thursday October 24
Youth for Climate change calls for the klimaatmars on Thursday October 24

the Youth for the Climate calls on Saturday through a press release on a new klimaatmars on Thursday, October 24, at 10: 00 a.m. at the railway station Brussels-North. Curious to see what the reaction will be the new minister of Education, Ben Weyts (N-VA). He previously to know that there will be more stringent and will be handed out at spijbelgedrag.

the Secretary of state for Education Weyts said in this connection that “truancy is when a red traffic light, ignore it, it may not work”. Weyts’ predecessor, Hilde Crevits (CD&V) said that in march some of its support for pupils, these lessons stopped in order to take part in the klimaatmarsen.

In a press release on Saturday, message to the Youth, for the Climate is also about the journey of the Anuna, The Weaver, Adelaide festival centre, Adelaide Charlier, and Josefien Hoerée in Brazil, and the COP25 in Australia. The three klimaatactivistes on Friday when we arrived in Tenerife. On October 2, they left from the netherlands on board of the yacht Regina Maris. On Monday, the 21st of October, the boat sails towards the Cape verde islands, which is the true crossing over will begin from the Atlantic Ocean to land in Recife, Brazil. The arrival there is expected to be around 7 november.

Photos: The Photo News