resim 602
resim 602

The circulation certificate is back. No, it’s not a time rift. Symbol of Covid at the height of the crisis: the traffic certificate in the form of a QR code is resurfacing. But for very different reasons, fortunately!

Eight months before the Paris Olympics, the Paris police chief, Laurent Nuñez, announced, Wednesday, November 29, to Le Parisien, the establishment of a compulsory certificate for motorists and pedestrians to move freely in Paris. How far from a test zone will we be able to move freely? Where will the first checks be? How can residents and traders obtain an exemption?

In a long interview, Laurent Nuñez agreed to reveal to Parisiens his plans and the outline of the famous perimeters. There will be four for each site: from the organizing perimeter, the most restrictive, to the blue perimeter, the widest. As close as possible to the site, “the principle will be the ban on traffic, and the exception will be the exemption”.

This system, intended to strengthen security, one of the organization’s major challenges, will be in force in certain areas only and within a strict framework. Concretely, space will be left for people rather than motorized vehicles. “The principle is the ban on motorized traffic, and the exception is the exemption,” insisted the police prefect in the columns of the daily. “There will be a lot of pedestrians. There’s no question of there being cars that don’t belong there.”

Exemptions will therefore not be issued all at once. They will particularly concern local residents, traders, emergency and rescue vehicles or even taxis and VTCs “if they are dropping someone off there and only if they have proof.” Here is the detail.

In detail, around the sites of the 2024 Olympic events, four security perimeters have been demarcated by the authorities. There is first “an organizing perimeter where only accredited people enter: athletes, staff, organization, journalists, service providers, etc., or with a ticket”. Then there is the protection perimeter called “Silt” (from the Internal Security and Combating Terrorism Law, editor’s note). “To enter, everyone is searched.

This perimeter does not generally include local residents, except for the opening ceremony and on a limited basis for a few sites,” he explained. If you are a local resident and would like to invite friends, this will be possible On one condition: register them on the platform to obtain a QR code.

Traffic around the places hosting the competitions will be organized as follows: “Closest to the site, red: the principle is the ban on traffic, unless exempted, due to the significant pedestrian flow and the risk of attack at the car-ram or disturbances.” The last one, the blue one, will be wider.

“We only want to let in by car those who live, work or want to go to a business or restaurant,” continued Laurent Nuñez, according to whom all restrictions will only be “activated during competitions, 2.5 hours before the start of the tests and up to one hour afterwards.”

However, in a press release published Wednesday, the Senate Law Committee was “surprised” to learn of the introduction of the QR Code system “through the press” and “questions the legal basis of such devices” .