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Late at night on bus line 53 there are precious metal bars worth around 100,000 euros in a shopping bag. How the police solve the mystery of the treasure.

The shopping bag was lying alone and abandoned on a seat. The bus driver found it on Saturday around 2 a.m., at the end of his shift, when he parked his 53 bus at the depot in Freimann and walked through the rows of seats again to check.

The bag was unusually heavy, which was due to the contents: several bars of pure gold and platinum with a total value of around 100,000 euros, as the police announced on Tuesday.

The bus driver immediately called the police and a patrol picked up the gold and platinum treasure. The police were called in because it was initially completely unclear who the bars belonged to and whether they might be connected to a crime. The investigators initially did not rule out a failed handover after a “shock call”.

Con artists cause their victims to panic so much that they often use their entire savings to help an alleged relative in need.

The victims are supposed to hand over money, jewelry, gold and other valuables to someone who will collect them, but this doesn’t always work.

When they contacted a large precious metals dealer in Munich, they heard about a pensioner. The lady had made a large inheritance, hence the gold and platinum bars.

The officers contacted the Munich woman. On Monday she was able to receive her gold and platinum treasure again at PI 47 in Milbertshofen. The Munich woman told the officers that she had forgotten her bag on the bus when she got off.

The bus driver, who is currently on vacation, is entitled by law to a finder’s fee of around 3,000 euros. A spokeswoman for Autobus Oberbayern, which drives buses for the MVG in Munich, told Abendzeitung when asked: The driver is a reliable, long-standing employee. The honest finder will not be back behind the wheel of his 53 until June.

Since she was 19, Anouk has been unable to eat without pain without vomiting. Doctors diagnosed Dunbar syndrome. The 25-year-old explains how much it limits her – but she doesn’t give up hope.

There are clear words from North Rhine-Westphalia: The new Islamism report warns of small groups and solo perpetrators – often lured in by jihadist propaganda. In addition, the NRW state security officers have noticed increasing contacts between Salafist preachers and criminal Kurdish-Lebanese clans.

The original for this article “Munich bus driver finds a bag full of pure gold bars at work” comes from Abendzeitung.