WORLD039SELF Plus d039a million visitors give harm to the absent
WORLD039SELF Plus d039a million visitors give harm to the absent

In some states-majors this morning, there will be a session to muscled explanations. What are those marks that were not present at the Mondial de l’automobile of Paris, and who have ceded to the proponents of e-commerce, which think that everything can be done on the Canvas. The denial scathing brought in this year by more than a million visitors demonstrates to these futurists, the automobile, the passion is always present, and that see, touch and compare in the moment several cars in a living room is a showcase unique to the manufacturers.

the World of Self-2018 © MaxPPPEn effect, so that the augurs foresaw a collapse of attendance, it is quite the opposite has happened. Close of the previous edition in spite of a shortened duration, the World of the self thus remains the automobile show one of the most frequented in the world. To the great joy of Jean-Claude Girot, general commissioner of the salon, which was spent without stint to reinvent the event. It always precedes largely the IAA in Frankfurt (810 00 visitors in 2017) and the Geneva salon (660 000 visitors by 2018).

In 2016, the date of the last edition, which alternates with the Frankfurt motor Show, 1,073 million people were pressed to the Porte de Versailles to discover or try out the new models proposed by the manufacturers. The fact that the attendance is maintained above the one-million mark of visitors, ” is very satisfactory “, because ” the show took this year’s five days less than usual “, said Mr. Girot.

At the request of the manufacturers, which wanted to reduce the cost of their participation, the organizers had chosen this year to reduce from 16 to 11 days, the duration of the event, which celebrated this year its 120 years. But there were compensations with six night instead of two and will drain largely by adding the living room of the two-wheels since the worlds of the bike and the car are very close and often relate to the same passionate.

the Old and the new world

World of Self-2018 © Alexandre MARCHI MaxPPPCette new formula ” has worked “, said Jean-Claude Girot, who also attributed the good attendance to the “curiosity vis-à-vis new technologies, including electric cars, and the” what’s new ” proposed in the framework of the exhibition. And this is one of the highlights of the fairs to be able to explain to the public how and why the vehicles are going to change. A thirst to know, to understand these changes that the dealers are incapable of showing.

It is true that, leaving the old world, the World of the self has in recent years experienced a loss of speed, as all of the major motor shows in western. They must share the investments in non-expandable with new salons and chinese are struggling to make the full marks, as they were once storefronts must.

the World of Self-2018 © Christophe Morin MaxPPPMais there is a new world, the one proposed by the brand new technologies, futuristic and visitors are come to see “in real” after having seen it in the press or on television. They were even able to live in the center of the testing of green vehicles, place de la Concorde, had succeeded to the parade of 120 years of automotive. A dozen manufacturers including Volkswagen, were present, in addition to Engie and Air Liquide, to discover the new ranges of electric vehicles, hybrids, hydrogen and CNG and new energy solutions to a wider audience.

Porte de Versailles, in addition to the bike that has proposed an exhibition of quality that seals a tandem winner, many events are also added to the displays in the absence, barely noticed by many, Volkswagen, Opel partner of PSA, Fiat, Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Ford, Nissan, partner of Renault, Volvo and Mitsubishi. Absent that weigh nearly 40 % of the european car market all the same. But Volkswagen, yielding to a difficult economic situation, has already ravisé, and will return in 2020 to Paris.

successful Business

the World of Self-2018 © MaxPPPUn new general public event has been organized with the Global mobility, Global.Tech World Limited or the superb expo historic ” Roads mythical “. The organization has also created new formats of events, such as the conference Tomorrow in Motion on the 1st of October, the evening World-Women or even the World.Tech Startups Awards, in welcoming the THESE Unveiled Paris 2018 and events Google and Facebook.

The World Paris Motor Show has launched a format that is innovative in the world of car shows and you can bet that a few absent will this week to measure their error. In fact, the stands were constantly busy and the business was successful, rejoices at several manufacturers have chalked up hundreds of orders. Alone, the web site of the World has generated for its exhibitors and 70 000 commercial opportunities, including more than 11 000 applications for testing auto and more than 6 600 requests for trials bike, while requests to Google have surged by 1 500% compared to 2016.

According to a study by CSA, published just prior to the show, 53 % of the French were waiting for the innovations that were presented before considering a renewal. Low fuel consumption, low emission pollutants and security were the crucial criteria of the renewal that allowed the visitors to refine their choices during this edition. The next Paris Motor Show will therefore take place in fall 2020, a prospect on which many observers would not have bet there is fifteen days.

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