Workers have been calling for the home office as a complement to the office
Workers have been calling for the home office as a complement to the office

90 percent in favour of Mix – workers have been calling for the home office as a complement to the BüroDie Swiss like to work in a home office. A recent survey of Syndicom shows. The Union now takes the company in a duty.0 comment according to the survey, Private – and professional life in a home office is better: the telephone conference from the kitchen table to agree.Photo: Nathalie Günter

Since the Corona-Lockdown many Swiss employees work in the home office. Working from home is apparently good. 90 percent of the workers want to allow the home office as a complement to the work site. The one negative is the lack of informal contacts and the lack of ergonomics can be assessed in a survey. The unions are now demanding contemporary home-office arrangements.

showed The results that the home office was on the verge of the breakthrough, if the company made a good framework for this, said Syndicom-Executive Board member Giorgio Pardini at the presentation of the survey on Tuesday before the media in Bern, according to the speech text. The Union had the survey during the Corona-lock downs at the research Institute gfs.bern commissioned.

According to the survey, the job satisfaction with the home office is higher, Private and professional life could be arrange better and the home office is also good for the environment. Reservations have the 1126 respondents due to the lack of informal contacts and the Isolation of the equipment of the workplace in the home and the expenses for the home office.

if the rise of tele-working from home more is demanded of the legislator, according to Pardini, the existing norms to the new realities. In addition to the company, to provide for contemporary home office regulations, if you wanted to be attractive employers.

Ensure duty of care

the results of The survey provided the trade unions, moreover, important information for the design of the framework, including in the collective agreements. In particular, the work of the law written employer’s duty of care should not be put in question, said Pardini.

the survey have shown that a significant proportion of the respondents have provided more hours of work. And 45 percent of the respondents would have received from your employer not a contribution to the costs of the home office.

Ultimately, a healthy Mix between work and the home office is asked, according to Pardini, the framework would need to reconcile the social partners. It could not be in the interest of the entrepreneurs, durable home office to arrange, in order to save infrastructure costs and travel costs.

About 300’000′ newbies ‘

According to the calculations of the research Institute gfs.bern have worked during the lock downs, around 335 000 people in addition in the home office. According to the labour force survey in 2019 of the Federal office for statistics (BFS) did this already before, about 1.1 million workers occasionally.

The number of working hours in the home office has increased during the lock downs by about a factor of 3.5 to almost 40 million hours. Just under 32 hours of work per week did the respondents employed in the home office.

The time you save when you commute to work, 78 percent of the respondents of private and 68 percent in the professional sense. 61 percent reported that they bring with the home office, the Private and professional life better. 89 percent see the home office as a significant contribution to the protection of the environment, 98 percent reported that this form of work in reducing the Overload on the transport infrastructure.

Two of the three

on the Other hand, 64 percent are of the opinion that the home office promotes the feeling of being alone. 71 percent lack the informal contacts within the Team. Only 6 percent reject it categorically, to work after the pandemic to the part of your home.

For 86 percent, it is clear that the technological infrastructure for the digital collaboration needs to be extended. 49 percent experienced home office ergonomically poor.

The gfs.bern has the survey of 23. April to 10. May carried out at a total of 1126 individuals in the whole of Switzerland, who worked in March and April at least one day in the home office. The sampling error is 2.9 percentage points.

(SDA /aru)

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