Work in Germany Hartz IV is a success story
Work in Germany Hartz IV is a success story

the SPD and the greens, have committed itself, so far with uneven success, of an “abolition” of the labour market reform Hartz IV, because the support and Challenge of unemployment is in your circles, now widely acknowledged (again) as unworthy. Both parties must but did not see that it is similar to how ten years ago, the FDP, with its tax cut policy: What was just in the Zeitgeist, it falls under the new circumstances, might suddenly out of the time. The FDP was caught in 2009 by the financial crisis and an unexpectedly empty state Treasury on the wrong foot. In the case of Green party and SPD, it could be the unbridled growth in the labour market.

at Least the “Hartz-IV-System writes” just an amazing story of success: In sharp contrast to the duration klageton of the welfare state critics (“more and more poor, always more Suspended”) you will find more and more recipients of the alleged failure of basic security for jobseekers successfully into employment.

The official statistics, it is now impressive: The total number of households receiving Hartz IV, has fallen sharply since ten years, one-sixth, the number of Hartz IV recipients with German citizenship even to a third. The decline is so strong that the “Always-more-Thesis” is false, if you ignore the fact that since 2013, more than a Million refugees and migrants have come to Germany and Hartz IV have requested.

of Course, every Reform can be improved

of Course, this success is not due to history alone, to the now 14-year-old labour market reform. The nine-year-long economic upswing has also other causes. This weather is for the strong export industry so far, despite all the dark clouds still cheap is part of a world economic giant. In addition, the demo begins to act demographic change: The baby boomers reach retirement, the work force are scarce.

All of this contributes to the fact that currently so many people the rise in the labour market succeeds as hardly ever before; even job seekers are barriers at the end of the Placement, often only temporarily, due to backup on Hartz IV.

It doesn’t change the fact that Hartz IV is a key Element of this success story on the labour market. How can you come up with the idea to want to get rid of this?

of Course, every reform always this or that Detail is improve. If however, it was now a race to the abolition of Hartz IV breaks out, this is actually only with the tactical motives of the parties and their respective wing explain. The political behavior approach to those that have driven the United Kingdom in the Brexit resemble.