With Obama gate against the pandemic
With Obama gate against the pandemic

Presidential election in the United States, “Obama gate” against the PandemieIst Donald trump’s Ex-security adviser, a victim of the justice? The President sees, in the case of Flynn, a conspiracy of the Obama administration and the “deep state”.Alan Cassidy from Washington56 Kommentare56Sie were in the sights of the Russia-investigation: The former General Michael Flynn with Donald Trump during the presidential election campaign in 2016.Photo: Reuters

The presidential election in November, the most in the U.S. clearly, it will be a good Share to hold a Referendum about how Donald Trump has led the country through the pandemic. Exactly the wish to prevent Trump and his allies. You are doing a lot.

On Thursday, a Whistleblower from the U.S. health authority to an appearance before a Committee in Congress had. The trained doctor Rick Bright had refused to support the Trump claimed methods of treatment against Covid-19, for which there is no scientific evidence. After that Bright was fired.

Before the Congress, he laid out the failures of the government in dealing with the pandemic and warned, given the lack of plans in front of the “darkest Winter”, the come to the USA. Most of the TV stations broadcast the hearing live, the leading Newspapers have made their title pages. In the right-wing media world but that millions of Americans move, did not take place, the appearance practical.

drum fire at Fox News

In this world, it is currently only on the edge of the 86’000 deaths, or 36 million unemployment suffered by the country in the Corona-crisis already. It’s not about the majority of Americans, the Trumps government will issue for your crisis management bad grades.

Instead, the account turns on Fox News, the home station of the President, as well as Trumps Twitter for days, almost everything is only a theme: “Obama gate”.

The term comes from Trump. He’s used him since the justice system has left the Ministry last week, the case against trump’s Ex-security consultant Michael Flynn fall surprisingly. Flynn stood at the beginning of the investigation by the FBI, which led to the Russia-investigation by Robert Mueller. He confessed in December 2017 guilty to the FBI about his contacts with Russia are being lied to.

victim of a conspiracy?

The President and many conservative commentators see the case Flynn as part of a conspiracy by the Obama administration and the “deep state”: The FBI was trying to sabotage the new government even before the first Hearings, by it had made Flynn a trap.

An Element of the “Obama-gate” is in this reading a list of the Trumps as interim secret service coordinator Richard Grenell, recently, the Republicans in the Senate, has passed. On this list the name of the Official of the Obama administration, which requested the intelligence services beginning in 2017, the identity of a Person who had with the Russian Ambassador in Washington by telephone contacts.

With this Person, it was Flynn. Intelligence officials describe this process as a Routine. For the circles to Trump that, however, is proof that the Obama administration forged a plot against the designated security consultant.

“For this, people should go to jail. That was all Obama, it was all Biden.”

US President Donald Trump

What exactly is the alleged crime of Obama should, can not explain the President, however. On the question of a journalist Trump said on Monday, just: “you know what the crime is. It is obvious to everyone.”

On Thursday, he spoke with Fox News about Obama loaded at least in front of Congress, but the same put in jail belong, and his then Vice President Joe Biden, who will compete in the fall against Trump.

The unprecedented step of the Minister of justice

Now, there are, in the case of Flynn actually has some question marks. So, it seems strange that the justice Ministry was not informed by the FBI that Flynn was questioned as a new member of the Trump-government in January of 2017, by agents of the Federal police. Even within the Federal police, the interview was controversial.

however, The fact remains that Flynn admitted to court twice to have under oath about his contacts with Russia is a lie. This is a criminal Offense.

Still Trumps justice Minister, William Barr, requested last week the withdrawal of the charges against Flynn – an unprecedented step in the context of trump’s efforts, the history of Russia of inquiry rewrite. This found no evidence of illegal collusion the Trump campaign with Moscow, but they documented the extent of the Russian election meddling in favor of Trumps – by this dispute until today.

A new lawsuit against Flynn?

The judge in the case, Flynn refuses, however, the process is simple to set. He has used this week of a retired colleague as a reviewer, to ascertain whether the request of the Ministry of justice is permitted or whether Flynn, a new indictment for contempt of court shall be made.

in Addition, in 2000, former employees of the Ministry of justice, have accused Barr in an open letter, its action is to the right of the state to undermine by taking away in favor of trump’s influence on the judiciary. The affair is still simmering for a while.

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