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Will winter 2022-2023 be particularly cold? For the time being, meteorologists are not commenting, even if the presence of a bubble of cold air in the Arctic seems to be heating up spirits, if not the temperatures.

This phenomenon, according to some, would be the harbinger of a winter up to 15% colder than normal. But for other forecasters, this is a completely banal event, which does not bode well for the arrival of polar cold in Europe in the coming months.

However, the meteorological winter, which will begin on December 1, could have some surprises in store for us… And some months that are more difficult than others.

According to Patrick Marlière, at Agate Météo, “temperatures will really drop after December 10. There will be a first real cold snap, with even snow all the way to the plain,” the expert told Planet.

Then, the month of January should offer some respite to the more cautious, continues Patrick Marlière. “There will be a lull in temperatures in January, which will be milder, with frequent rainy and windy spells.”

However, winter will resume with a vengeance in February, explains the specialist.

In short, December and February are the two months that promise to be the harshest this winter… And where power cuts, or rotating load shedding, could become common.