Wind turbines in the Odenwald No compensation area
Wind turbines in the Odenwald No compensation area

The members of the Odenwald district will come together on Wednesday for a special session in the mountain hall in reichelsheim. Prompted several members of the circle day, have the appointment on the Initiative of the ÜWG group. At the meeting, will be discussed, as it is called in the application, on the part of the plan of Renewable energies, the regierungspräsidium Darmstadt has presented to us. There is also a Resolution to the regional Assembly and the state of Hesse. It is proposed the following decision: “The district Council has spoken out clearly against the planned, large-scale designation of priority areas for wind power plants in the Odenwald circle.”

Rainer Hein

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung in Darmstadt, Germany.

F. A. Z.

The statement reads, according to the draft, significantly more priority would be designated areas in the Odenwald as in other circles. This disproportionate burden on the cities and towns of the Odenwald forest, was not acceptable. The Odenwald circle, it were not a compensation area, “to realize Hessian targets in wind power expansion”. The sub-plan should be decided by the government Bureau has submitted the Form, this meant a “encirclement” of individual towns and the destruction of the cultural landscape in the Odenwald.

citizen information, and votes against

Originally should be the part of the plan by the regional Assembly on March 14. December to be decided. The CDU and the SPD are demanding Changes, which is why in the next year, the plan can be voted on. The special meeting of the Reichel mountain hall is thought of the ÜWG as an information event. The citizens of the district have a right to know how the district Council for kidney in this matter position, is it in the application.