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In 2017, candidate Macron wanted a fairer system. For pensions, he had therefore planned the advent of a new model, supposedly more adapted to the reality of the world and to those of careers – a universal system, which would put an end to the differences in regime so recurrent between France, at the point . Each euro contributed should then provide the same rights to each other, as Planet has had the opportunity to explain in the past. At the time, the future President of the Republic did not speak of postponing the legal retirement age – he even undertook not to touch it! — but instead talked about the supposed payoffs for choppy careers.

From now on, it is another reform that the Head of State has in mind. This now consists of gradually raising the legal retirement age. In doing so, he intends to bring it back to 65 as the 2030s approach. But does such a transformation carry the same ambitions once displayed – at least for image purposes, according to the many critics then formulated? by circles of economists and associations? Could the situation of retired women improve?

On average, recalls Mieux Vivre-Votre Argent, women’s pensions represent 80% of those of men in the public sector. In the private sector, continue our colleagues on the basis of the latest information from the National Institute for Demographic Studies, the gap is greater. Overall, it is around 40%. A complex situation, already detailed by the economist Florence Legros in our columns.

However, the reform project currently defended by Emmanuel Macron may not have any real impact on the situation of retired women. At least, not without incorporating a measure specifically concerning the latter.

Emmanuel Macron, Capital recalls, is committed to making gender equality the great cause of his term of office. However, according to our colleagues, women have little reason to expect an improvement. And for good reason ! Throughout the electoral campaign, they were, particularly in terms of retirement, the great forgotten of the political debate. No measure likely to improve the amount of their pension was really discussed.

However, if women suffer from such lower pensions, it is also because of systemic problems, further notes Mieux Vivre-Votre Argent. Their careers are often choppy, and therefore mechanically less remunerative… But they also face significant remuneration problems. Income inequalities at work are necessarily reflected once retirement has occurred.

All in all, notes Capital, two measures were essentially discussed during the electoral campaign for the presidential election. The latter concern important subjects… but which are not directly linked to women’s retirement. These are the following proposals: