Ingelmunster – Of the Brussels Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula cathedral to the city hall of the city. From the Netherlands to Germany. All buildings, structures and projects by a Group in Memorial of Ingelmunster is in place. “The glory of the past and restoration is our passion,” says Pieter De Poorter, Group Memorial, which has also been approached for the reconstruction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, france.
The history of the Group-the Monument dates back to 1886. “At that time, in each village, in addition to a priest, a doctor, a building contractor, and metser. In Ingelmunster, the local metser He Vanderkerckhove. After the first world war, he was given the name ‘kerkenbouwer’. He was the man of the Cloth and the church of Saint-Maartenskathedraal of the city of Ypres was restored, which, through the war, being severely damaged were,” says Pieter De Poorter, who is the managing director of the Group for the Monument.
In the 80’s, took over his father’s company, Vandekerckhove, and various types of expertise brought together. “Today, our company has 650 employees, with a specialization in the restoration, renovation, and new construction. We are a traditional building company, and see ourselves as the exception to the rule. But then, with a deep love for the heritage that a classic beauty is out.”
The cash inflow from the exact craftsmanship of today is not an easy task. Especially when you know that there will be a whole generation of professionals in the Group, listed on retirement. “We’re looking for in the first place, the people, who are passionate about their craft,” says De Poorter. “We can provide them with a job offer that will guarantee you beroepstrots and self-development. The end result of our restoration work, it is something that is the time to face. Take a look at our projects, such as the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula cathedral in Brussels, in the castle of Alden Biesen in the town hall of Antwerp, the Council of State in Den Haag, or the Cathedral of Notre-Dame cathedral of ho chi minh city (Ho Chi Minh). That is, projects that you would like to have on your cv are writing about.”
is it True that a Group’s Memorial also consulted for the reconstruction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris? “We were indeed approached. However, it is still too early to come to a clear answer on how this case evolves.”